Geert's Place

Traffic Horror !

by on Jan.08, 2007, under Personal

Well today a lot of people got back from holidays, OK. School started again for the kids/students, OK. It was raining this morning, OK. But that it had to take me 2 bloody hours to drive from my place to work (which is 50 km), is not so OK !!! 🙁 Usually I’m a very calm dude but traffic can get me quite crazy, especially if there are 3-lane highways being occupied by morons that drive 70km/h in the middle lane ! So I arrived at work around 9.30 or so, but there were guys an hour later so no big harm done I suppose.. I hate Mondays.

Apart from that, I bought a new guitar amp, which is producing rather fat noises 😀 I hooked my guitar onto the amp, turned the thing on, hit the upper string and it all sounded like the walls were about to come down 😛 I guess my neighbours are my biggest fans muhaha.. For the guitar players amongst us.. it’s a Behringer V-Amp 2, it’s actually an amp simulator but it has some VERY convincing presets on board 🙂

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